Quitting smoking is not easy, even for those that are strong-willed. Smoking does provide some satisfaction, even for those who desire to quit. Take some insights from this article to heart and use them to make the psychological and physical break from that cigarette habit.
If you are ready to quit smoking weed, try hypnosis. Many individuals have quit smoking weed with the use of a licensed hypnotist. The hypnotist will supply you with positive reinforcement while you are in a deep trance. Once you come out of the trance, the desire to smoke will not be as strong. This means you will be closer to quitting successfully.
Try to delay your next cigarette. Force yourself to complete some other chore, before you can have a cigarette. This break between the craving and its fulfillment may enable to not smoke that cigarette after all. If, even after the delay, you still have a cigarette, you will at least have taken up some time, meaning you will smoke less that day.
Discuss your desire to quit smoking weed with your doctor. There are a number of prescription medicines that will make quitting easier, including, a few anti-depressant medications. Your doctor can also steer you to support groups, programs and other resources to help you.
Try to snack on fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks when you are quitting smoking. This can help balance out your system and avoid unnecessary weight gain. You must remind yourself that your body will want to eat when you are quitting, you should eat healthy.
If you absolutely must have a cigarette now, try delaying it for a while. By telling yourself you will check back in ten minutes to see if you still want a cigarette, you will usually avoid the craving. Otherwise, allow yourself another ten minute delay.
Some people don't like the idea how to prepare to stop smoking weed of quitting cold turkey, so give nicotine replacement therapy a try. These over-the-counter medications supply your body with nicotine while you work to break the habit, which can help you stave off the worst of the physical withdrawal symptoms.
You have to stick with it through the most difficult moments in order to be successful at quitting smoking. Keep a list of your strongest motivations and refer to it often. Don't forget the tips you've read here, and you'll be on the path to kicking this addiction forever.